Flashtastic! Flashing Tape

Self-adhesive, aluminum faced waterproofing, sealing and repair tape

Flashtastic! is a multi-purpose self-adhesive waterproofing and sealing membrane that can be used for domestic and commercial applicatons including: flashing , sealing and repairing of roofs. Use Flashtastic! to repair or seal porches, dormars, gutters, downpipes, skylights, metal, tile, synthetic or slate roofing and so much more!
- Instantly seals most surfaces with excellent
resistance to water and vapors. - Durable aluminium top surface protects the
waterproofing membrane - Strong bonding to most surfaces
- Quick and easy to apply, saves time and money
- Can be applied in a wide range of temperature
and climatic conditions - Resists UV for longer lasting protection
- 10 m x 100 mm roll
Flashtastic! should be sheltered from the elements, stored at room temperature in a properly ventilated location. Keep Flastastic! away from all flames, sparks and volatile substances.
Application Instructions
For the best results follow the general installaiton instructions where possible. and apply Flashtastic! in temperatures between 10°C to 50°C (50°F – 122°F).
Surface Preparation
Make sure to remove all loose debris, dust, oil or grease and repair or remove all voids, protrusions or surface defects. Loose or cracked concrete must be repaired or removed prior to application.
The use of solvent based bitumen primers can improve adhesion. Apply the primer to the surface by brush, roller or spray. Avoid letting dust or debris settle on the primer. as this will affect the sealing properties. Allow the primer to dry before applying Flashtastic!
Apply a minimum 50 mm of overlap in the area being repaired. Unroll and precut managable lengths of the flashing. Check that the precut lengths of material are a suitable size or shape prior to removing the backing film. When ready to apply, peel the backing film from the flashing tape and press it firmly onto the surface being repaired. Continue to apply pressure by hand or with a smooth surface to remove any trapped air. Where possible, the use of a weighted roller can be used to help increase adhesion to the surface.
Always wear and use suitable safety clothing. If the temperature is below 5° C , warming the surface will help with better adhesion.